EMDR Intensives

An EMDR intensive is a perfect, cutting edge way of working with specific issues that require a concentrated and focused approach. 

Both the evidence and my experience is that intensives can bring about dramatic improvements for people in shorter time periods when this way of working is suitable for them. These can be for children, adolescents or adults. I also offer these for couples. 

Some reasons that people often choose to work in this way is when they become frustrated that they are not able to “move on” from their trauma or perhaps they are feeling overwhelmed most of the time and struggle to manage this from week to week between sessions. It can also be very beneficial if, due to trauma, your relationships are suffering. It is most suited to those who are stable, do not have high levels of dissociation, have good support networks and are feeling eager to accelerate their recovery.

Intensives are used to support any issue that the more standard weekly format can support. The evidence base shows that working this way can be equally, if not more effective than weekly sessions, for some people, and is both time and cost effective. A thorough assessment will be conducted beforehand to ensure that this type of working is suitable and the most beneficial way of working for you or your child.

As with all the work that I do, I endeavour to make the sessions engaging, age and developmentally appropriate and fully infused with compassion to support you or your child in unlocking the potential for healing. 

How long does a session last?

Four hours per day generally seems to be a good amount of time over the course of three days. However, my schedule will be open to you all day and if we think that working for longer will result in good outcomes we may decide to work for longer. Of course, we can shorten the time that we work together, if needed, and breaks will be given as required. 

What happens during a session?

All intensives are tailored to specific concerns that you or your child may be having such as anxiety, stress or trauma. During our initial assessment we will learn more about what you have already found helpful and also discuss any additional support during this time that you may like to have (e.g body work,  yoga sessions, food) to support the experience. 

When we start the intensive, we will first learn some techniques to help know how to stay connected to the present moment and to manage any overwhelming thoughts feelings and emotions. These may involve learning how to focus attention on sensory experiences such as sounds, smells or working with the breath. These can help you to feel a level of stability and safety.

I describe this a bit like how we would prepare to going on a journey, which therapy ultimately is. We would consider where we are going, plan our route and make sure that we are feeling prepared. Once we feel adequately resourced, we will set off with an intentional and clear plan of where we are heading.

Once we have this we will also incorporate techniques like bilateral stimulation (the eye movement or using other techniques like drumming or marching) and may also use creative expression and the sand tray where necessary to make the processes as interactive, as supportive and as effective as possible.

We will also ensure that the material worked with has been assimilated and integrated and following EMDR intensives people most often experience shifts in their perception of the challenges, leading to more adaptive and resolved understanding. Once we have finished the intensive, you may wish to book additional hourly sessions on an ad hoc basis as memories have been worked on and digested. Alternatively, you can take multiple intensives to address others parts of your experience.

These intensives take place in a beautiful Cotswold Village near Stroud, Gloucestershire. This means there is the option of gentle walks and stunning nature to support you to in your healing journey. There is an additional option of accommodation and meals being arranged on your behalf too. 

Book for EMDR Intensives

If you would like to enquire about booking a session for EMDR Intensive please send Nicki an email below.

  • "Lucy really helped my daughter to get back on track again. She was very responsible, clear and honest as well as warm. We all liked her instantly and recommended her to everyone we know"

  • "Lucy has worked with 2 of my children. She worked in a different way with both of them which really suited them and both are neurodiverse. Her engagement skills were excellent and she was professional yet approachable throughout"

  • "My partner and I attended the parenting groups. We loved meeting other parents and came away feeling more confident and peaceful in our parenting. Lucy really understood our challenges from a professional view and her experience of being a parent"

  • "Lucy is a fantastic trainer. The material was all clearly presented and went at a pace and rate that was just right. It has really added to my work and the children I work with"

  • "I loved the course I did with Lucy. It was super creative and inspiring and has really altered how I work. I am getting good feedback already and feeling more comfortable in my work"

  • "Lucy instantly understood the issues I had. She has worked so hard with me and I am so grateful for all her help. I am enjoying my life again and for that I will always be thankful to Lucy"

  • "I have had lots of therapy but the EMDR with Lucy has really healed my past pain. Each session I could feel and see myself progressing and feeling empowered in my life"

  • "Lucy had made such a difference to our family. She has supported us all. I am so less triggered as a parent and it is amazing the transformation in our home. Thank you Lucy you are fabulous!"

  • "I had EMDR with Lucy. I had tried many types of therapy and therapists and this has really worked. Lucy explained everything clearly, made me feel safe and confident to work with some really scary memories and went at the speed that I could manage. I am so happy with the work that we have done together!"

  • "Lucy's approach is refreshing and it has helped me a lot. She combines different practices really well from EMDR and talking therapy supported with mindfulness and grounding. She is extremely kind and always very welcoming throughout our sessions."